Hydraulic brakes provide several advantages over traditional braking systems when it comes to trailers. Find out more about how they work and the benefits they offer.

From the early drum brakes to modern-day discs, brake system evolution has been defined by a relentless pursuit of performance, efficiency, and safety.  However, the development of the braking system has seen giant leaps forward in recent years, with the introduction of electronic stability control (ESC), anti-lock braking systems (ABS), and, most recently, electric brakes.  And while each innovation has brought significant improvements in trailer braking performance, the move to hydraulic brakes has provided the biggest leap forward in terms of safety and efficiency.

Hydraulic brakes are braking system that uses fluid pressure to transfer force from the brake pedal to the brakes themselves. This offers several advantages over traditional brakes, which use mechanical linkages to connect the pedal to the brakes.

1. Increased stopping power: One of the main advantages of hydraulic brakes is that they can provide much more stopping power than traditional brakes. This is because fluid pressure is much more effective at transferring force than mechanical linkages. As a result, trailers equipped with hydraulic brakes can stop much faster and more effectively than those with traditional brakes.

2. Better fade resistance: Hydraulic brakes are less likely to experience brake fade than other types of brakes. Brake fade occurs when the brake pads or shoes start to wear down and become less effective at stopping the vehicle.  Hydraulic brakes use fluid pressure instead of friction to stop the vehicle, meaning that they will not experience the same wear and tear as traditional brake pads or shoes. In addition, the fluid in hydraulic brakes can dissipate heat more efficiently, reducing the chances of overheating and loss of stopping power. 

3. Longer lifespan, greater durability, and reduced maintenance requirements: Hydraulic brakes typically have a longer lifespan than other brakes, so you won’t have to replace them as often.  This is because they have fewer moving parts, which means fewer things can break or wear out over time. As a result, trailers equipped with hydraulic brakes typically require less maintenance and repair than those with traditional brakes.

4. Better performance in extreme conditions: Hydraulic brakes provide superior performance in both cold and hot weather conditions.  This is because hydraulic fluids are not affected by heat in the same way that air and other gasses are so the stopping power remains constant.

Overall, hydraulic brakes provide several advantages over traditional braking systems. They offer increased stopping power, better fade resistance, longer lifespan, greater durability, and better performance in extreme conditions. In addition, they require less maintenance and repair than traditional brakes. If you are looking for the best possible performance from your trailer’s braking system, hydraulic brakes are the way to go.

If you are looking for air-over hydraulic brake kits or parts, look no further than Bludot Manufacturing. Bludot is an industry-leading, custom brake kit manufacturer in South Bend, IN. With over 40 years of experience, Bludot is a preferred supplier of custom brake kits and parts in North America. Contact us today and find out more about our custom brake kits.